Nestwing Consultancy — Let your business fly

Digital health can make your business fly

Strengthen your Brand and your Business and capture a part of the 1,6 trillion euro European health care market, by integrating innovative digital health solutions into your business.

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Nestwing Consultancy



Your Opportunity

Increased Brand Credibility,
Strong Business Growth

Nestwing Consultancy
Who could enter

Consumer Brands and Retailers have an unique opportunity to strengthen their business and brand credibility in consumer health and wellbeing.

Business Opportunities

Digital Health Innovations offer a first mover advantage to innovative Consumer Brands and Retailers to truly own (parts of) the Consumer Health market.

Strategic Plan

Owning the consumer space of f.e. healthy diet, skin care, obesity prevention becomes more holistic and creditable with the integration of health care services and expertise.

Nestwing Consultancy
Nestwing Consultancy
Nestwing Consultancy

Let your business fly!




Bring your Health strategy to the next level.


Maneuver safely through health regulatory fields.


The key to success.


The right IT infrastructure for a scalable business.


Be future proof with tailor made solutions, using bleeding edge technology.

Our Solutions

Do not worry about technology, regulations and integration - we help


Many companies and consumer brands are claiming to improve consumer`s health, but many fall short in the real world, as their claims are based on a single product feature or isolated effects. True health improvements are gained by holistic approaches and are based on medical insights.

We systematically work together with you to uncover the true health improvement potential of your business. We break down the barrier between traditional healthcare and your business. We infuse the right knowledge, the right products and right services into your business model, so that you can create maximum credibility and true health improvements to your consumers.


One key pillar for a successful integration of digital health, is embedding the right regulatory strategy into your business. Whether these are risk- and compliance measurements or regulatory aspects as HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR or the German Patientendatenschutzgesetz (patient data safety law), we make sure that you have the right processes and safeguards in place.

The main focus areas in Digital Health solutions are around data and data flows. Where Compliance, the prevention of breaches, focusses for example on secure transfer protocols and on encryption standards. And where Risk, when a breach occurs, focusses for example on rollbacks from backups of data or restricting accesses to data.

You can see regulations as a foundational rule book, but to make it work, it needs a custom solution for each use case. That is what our regulatory experts will provide you.


Once the right regulation framework has been developed and the technical infrastructure is set in place ( e.g. at “compliance ready” cloud providers like AWS or Microsoft Azure), we move to the integration in the wider organization.

As your digital health solution will touch other processes of and other functions in your business, we will need to make sure that your digital health solutions stay compliant. Our technical integration team, alongside our regulatory experts asure this and will prepare your business to master audits in the European and North American healthcare systems.


A lot of digital health companies invest little time and effort in the right cloud infrastructure setup. But experience tells us, that having to correct that post launch will require major investments.

Nestwing consultants ensure a proper infrastructure setup for your development, staging and production environment to keep the software solution compliant, whilst not blocking software engineering teams working efficiently. We keep the regular Software Engineer separated from data, like PHI and PII.

This allows us to scale software engineering, without being hindered by restrictions from geographies and certifications. Making sure your infrastructure setup gives you maximum flexibility while adhering to regulations.


Many healthcare companies, especially the more mature ones, still build on outdated technology. We however, are committed to deliver you the advantages of bleeding edge technologies. This approach has already proven itself successful in several production systems.

We believe that a successful solution can only be achieved by thoroughly understanding your business and your needs. Therefore we will start any development with a 2-3 week long workshop with your team, to deeply understand your requirements. Highly skilled technical architects will then draft a bulletproof roadmap, mark uncertainties and risks to give you the highest level of transparency and flexibility, to adjust deliverables and add even more value to your business.

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